Simplify Business Operations and Boost Collaboration with SuiteDash
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SuiteDash makes it easy to onboard new clients on autopilot! Just embed kickoff forms on your site and let onboarding workflows trigger the next step automatically.
You can build white-label client portals to handle project management, tracking, billing, and scheduling.
Securely post files and documents for clients and auto-assign permissions for specific files, folders, or pages.
You’ll also be able to build custom client dashboards using data reporting and dynamic charts, with direct links to billing, projects, and more.
Build a dynamic dashboard for a more professional client experience.
SuiteDash lets you create sequenced project templates with tasks and phases arranged in order of importance.
Schedule appointments with automated booking, two-way Google Calendar sync, paid appointments, and a “Look Busy” feature.
This platform has a powerful learning management system (LMS) where you can host courses with modules, lessons, and downloadable content.
You’ll be able to build courses, customize your LMS interface, and grant client access during the onboarding process.
Design informational courses for clients and staff using the built-in LMS.
This platform streamlines all your client interactions using file transfer share options, dedicated client folders, and email marketing campaign tools.
Not only are clients notified when files or folders are shared, but you can also organize assets into sub-folders or keep files in private locations.
Integrate Zoom, Google Meet, Twilio, SMS sending capabilities, and email templates to keep stakeholders on the same page.
You can also add new contacts to your email list and automate email blasts to simplify client interactions.
Get notified when someone shares a file with real-time project updates.
SuiteDash now offers auto-templates, so you can build automations that are triggered whenever key decisions need to be made.
With the dynamic logic engine, run a bot that fires off auto-templates whenever it recognizes specific conditional and date-based triggers.
Speaking of automations, you can send auto-generated invoices and securely store banking info to streamline client billing.
That way, your clients can manage payment info and process payments through ACH and Plaid—saving you tons of time.
Build powerful automations to run your business on autopilot.
Of all the things that require brain power, learning single-feature platforms isn’t at the top of the list. (Those spots are reserved for dinosaur facts and Beyoncé lyrics. And that’s okay.)
SuiteDash streamlines everything, including client portals, project management, time-tracking, and invoicing.
Take care of business.
Get lifetime access to SuiteDash today!